P1 Home Readers

1A07 Dog.mp3

1A08 Going to School.mp3

1A09 Hide-and-Seek.mp3

1A10 How Many .mp3

1A11 I see colours.mp3

1A12 in the classroom.mp3

1A13 In the park.mp3

1A14 in the trolley.mp3

1A15 instructions.mp3

1A16 Me.mp3

1A17 My body.mp3

1A18 My family.mp3

1A19 My Family.mp3

1A20 My Friends.mp3

1A21 On the Bus.mp3

1A22 Sally’s new shoes.mp3

1A23 The apple star.mp3

1A24 The Balloons.mp3

1A25 The New Hat.mp3

1A26 The Puppies.mp3

1A27 Under the table.mp3

1A28 What is He .mp3

1A29 Where is Max .mp3

1A30 Where is my bear .mp3

1B01 A rainbow of parrots.mp3

1B02 Ben’s bath.mp3

1B03 Ben’s colours.mp3

1B04 Cats.mp3

1B05 Dog.mp3

1B06 Going to school.mp3

1B07 Grandpa.mp3

1B08 Guess who .mp3

1B09 How many dolls .mp3

1B10 How many .mp3

1B11 I like to jump.mp3

1B12 In the trolley.mp3

1B13 Jan’s new fan.mp3

1B14 Me.mp3

1B15 Mums and dads.mp3

1B16 Next door pets.mp3

1B17 The apple.mp3

1B18 The Apple Star.mp3

1B19 The Box.mp3

1B20 The fish and the cat.mp3

1B21 The King’s Ring.mp3

1B22 The New Hat.mp3

1B23 The Photo Book.mp3

1B24 The Robot.mp3

1B25 Watching TV.mp3

1B26 We like fruit!.mp3

1B27 What is he .mp3

1B28 Where is my bear.mp3

1B29 Where is my dad.mp3

1B30 Zolar and Zina.mp3

1C01 a rainbow of parrots.mp3

1C02 Ben and the cold.mp3

1C03 Ben’s colours.mp3

1C04 cats.mp3

1C05 colours.mp3

1C06 Dad.mp3

1C07 Dan and the Dog.mp3

1C08 Day and night.mp3

1C09 Dog.mp3

1C10 Going to school.mp3

1C11 Guess who .mp3

1C12 How many .mp3

1C13 In the classroom.mp3

1C14 In the park.mp3

1C15 In the trolley.mp3

1C16 Instructions.mp3

1C17 Jan’s new fan.mp3

1C18 Mums and dads.mp3

1C19 My Family.mp3

1C20 My friends.mp3

1C21 Next door pets.mp3

1C22 The apple star.mp3

1C23 The apple.mp3

1C24 the king’s ring.mp3

1C25 The new hat.mp3

1C26 The robot.mp3

1C27 watching tv.mp3

1C28 We like fruit.mp3

1C29 Where is my bear .mp3

1C30 Where is my dad .mp3

1D01 At the supermarket.mp3

1D02 Ben and the cold.mp3

1D03 Ben runs.mp3

1D04 Ben’s colours.mp3

1D05 Colours.mp3

1D06 Dan and the dog.mp3

1D07 Day and night.mp3

1D08 Dog.mp3

1D09 Dressing up.mp3

1D10 Guess who.mp3

1D11 Hop.mp3

1D12 How many .mp3

1D13 in the classroom.mp3

1D14 In the park.mp3

1D15 In the trolley.mp3

1D16 Instructions.mp3

1D17 Jan’s new fan.mp3

1D18 Jumping beans.mp3

1D19 Mums and dads.mp3

1D20 My family.mp3

1D21 My friends.mp3

1D22 On the farm.mp3

1D23 Shoes.mp3

1D24 The apple star.mp3

1D25 The Box.mp3

1D26 The King’s ring.mp3

1D27 The photo book.mp3

1D28 This is me.mp3

1D29 Watching TV.mp3

1D30 Where is my bear .mp3

1D31 Zolar and Zina.mp3